Kristina Baluchova has written ten books so far - poetry collections, novels and children stories. All books are available in Slovak language (Title: Captain Parachute available in Czech language). The recent novel "Lost and Found in Dubai" is the very first book translated into English. It is available as paperback or e-book on Amazon:

Lost and Found in Dubai (2020)
Lost and Found in Dubai is a genuinely moving story blending mystery, crime, and love. Psychiatrist Eva Verdenic moves to the United Arab Emirates for work, where, as she continues to come to terms with a traumatic childhood, she finds the love of her life. But the sudden death of her lover reveals hidden sides to his personality. The police investigation points to several suspects, and for Eva the sun-filled days end with nightmares. How much do we know about the people we love? Is true love only an illusion or can it heal all scars? Set in Dubai, the novel shows an unknown, dark side to the city of gold and the thin line between love and hate.

Let 365 (2013)
The second book brings the story from the aviation environment again. It covers the thoughts and feelings of experienced pilot Pavol from a perspective of a passenger. During the flight from Dubai to Lagos he observes the passengers' details that he has not so intensively seen before. It's a sensual drama full of melancholy and memories on childhood, youth times and first love experience under the High Tatras.

Buddies from a ripped cardigan (2015)
This book covers the stories of buddies made from the ripped cardigan strings in educational way. The poems in the book are illustrated by pictures of Ondrej Sova, who turned the garbage into an exhibition area. The book offers an interesting food for thought – why toys, clothes, pets or even people have to end up at the edge of society's interest too soon. By purchasing this book people directly support the activities of Pluto NGO.

Ako kaluže (2014)
This is Kristina's third book, but the first poetry collection, published by Limerick publishing house. It contains twenty-two poems that cover one day in the author's life. The book is illustrated with beautiful photographs from Kristina's friend and photographer Roman Ferstl.

Lietam v tom tiež (2011)
This debut is a nostalgic novel, mapping the story of a flight attendant who used to work for no-more-existing Sky Europe Airlines. In each chapter the main heroine Kristina has to face a serious decision making together with her co-workers. Despite the fact that the work of flight attendant or the study of psychology is on a dream-list of many girls – it's not as easy as it seems at first glance. The book is a quick-read with plenty of sad moments (airline crash, close man's adulthood, firnd's father's illness, internal crisis), where we can find parallels with real life events near us.

Captain Parachute pt. 1 – Kapitán Padák & Straty a nálezy (2016)
In the first volume of the Kapitan Padak (Captain Parachute) series, Cpt Daniel Padak will show you the secrets of Boeing 737 and he will also bring you into the waters of the Pacific ocean. Daniel Padak, his sister Eva with a funny nickname, his old friend and traveller Peter Kufor, as well as a curious niece Ivanka – these are the heroes of the story that allows readers to move across different latitudes, widths and flight levels, while recognizing new habits and other cultures at the other side of the world. In this story you can acknowledge the power of friendship, but you will also have to solve the mystery of an international date line.

Captain Parachute pt. 3 – Kapitán Padák & Lietajúce auto (2018)
This time the main character (Captain Parachute – Daniel Padak) will visit Slovak city: Košice and also African country: Kenya with his Boeing 737. A flying car, called "aeroaute" (made in Slovakia) will grab the attention of two flight attendants – twins: Amelia and Emilia. The first one can remind us the well-known pilot: Amelia Earhart, who flew across the Atlantic as the first woman. Emilia is studying medicine and wants to travel to East Africa to treat sick people in need there. A flying car is also heading to Kenya to help with the delivery of medicines across the country. However, the situation will become a bit complicated when Cpt Parachute is contacted by a former friend with a secret information: a cunning group of thieves wants to steal medical drugs!

Captain Parachute pt. 4 – Kapitán Padák & Záchrana lesov (2019)
In the fourth sequel to Captain Parachute's well-known adventure series, the clever niece of Cpt Parachute – Ivanka tries to follow her uncle's destiny. She is so eager to become a pilot that at the age of thirteen she will enroll in a course of flying on the glider. Once again, the main characters of the story will show a sense of justice, activism and nature protection. Their journey will be complicated by the news of the illegal cutting of rare trees in the Tatra National Park. To catch the thieves is not easy, but drones and new book characters will help Mr Daniel Padák and his family members to disclose illegal wood trade. The Cpt Parachute's story about saving Slovak forests is complemented by an aviator dictionary and an aviation alphabet.

Captain Parachute pt. 2 – Kapitán Padák & Pašerácka spojka (2017)
During the autumn holidays, the main hero, a sympathetic pilot of Boeing 737: Cpt Daniel Padak meets with young Slovak-Australian pilot Milan and his mother – veterinarian Matilda. One day, however, the book hero becomes involuntarily part of a smug link! In the cargo of his aircraft rare falcons appear to be transported illegally from Europe to the United Arab Emirates... Is it possible that Captain Padak and his old friend Peter Kufor have something to do with this illegal activity? Young readers will become witnesses to the courageous underworld plan of Daniel's brave niece Ivanka who is ready to clear up uncle's story and at the same time to bring down the criminals (rare birds' smugglers).
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